Website retooling and redesign

I've started working on version 3.0 of the website, shifting focus away from the local arts and music scene and orienting the site back toward its original purpose of serving as a showcase for my interests, activities, and projects. This new orientation better reflects where I am planning to take things from a creative standpoint in the days to come, as I move away from earlier (largely fruitless) attempts to encourage growth of the local scene and instead concentrate on developing my skills in other pursuits. This change has been a long time coming, but I was not able to get to it due to a combination of lethargy and lots of hours spent working the day job (spoiler: I am now debt free!).

While I have many fond memories of my time working with other creative people, I have found that working with artists and musicians as a whole is just more trouble than it's worth, with the overall gains generally failing to justify the time and effort put into it. Put more simply, trying to promote the local scene and the people in it is a largely thankless job. Many many people are interested only in themselves and what they can get, with little interest in cross-promotion, and while I am grateful to have been able to work with so many talented people over the years, I am also tired of having to hound many of those same people to provide simple information that I need to help promote them and their work or their music. This is not the case with all of them, of course, particularly some of the ones whose work is featured on the website as part of some of my earlier projects or photography, but it's the case with enough of them to make things no longer worthwhile. The original point of the site was essentially an exercise in vanity, superseded later by a not altogether altruistically motivated focus on something bigger. Now I'm going to focus more on early interests that have not been given much time for many years.

Stay tuned.

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