bookmark_borderAutographed albums

I've acquired a good number of autographed albums over the years, many from having purchased directly from the artist and having them signed, and some as incredibly lucky finds while shopping secondhand. These are some of the more notable ones.

The Best of LaVern Baker

Bought at Half Price Books in 2021 I bought the disc for the music, casual fan that I am. I paid no attention to the writing scribbled across the front until a day later when I actually took a good look at it, realizing to my surprise that it appeared to be an autograph. After researching and comparing my specimen with examples of her signature found online, it does appear that this one is legit. Continue reading "Autographed albums"

bookmark_borderRemembering the Live at Lost Art Open Mic CD

In November 2010, I put out a CD. Well, kind of - it wasn't exactly a commercial release, and the sound quality wasn't anything to write home about... and it wasn't even of my own work. A twenty track compilation of eighteen open mic performances bookended by introductory and closing remarks by my creative partner Alex Pogosov, it was put out to promote the open mic we had been running together since May of that year. Live Lost Art Open Mic CD, front Continue reading "Remembering the Live at Lost Art Open Mic CD"