bookmark_borderPlaces I have stayed during my travels across North America

Updated on March 22, 2024

This is a listing of recommended lodgings in various cities across the United States and Canada, based on my own personal experiences. This is most definitely not a listing of every motel or other property I have ever stayed in, and I am also leaving out certain properties that I have stayed in multiple times as they are not necessarily places I would recommend to other travelers (some are borderline dives or in borderline seedy areas, for instance). When booking a place to stay, my main considerations are cost, convenience, cleanliness, and the area the property is in - amenities such as free breakfasts, gyms, laundry facilities, in suite coffee makers, and room service are not priorities of mine. The goal is always to find as inexpensive a room as possible while not ending up in a dive or in an area where I don't want to go outside at night. Continue reading "Places I have stayed during my travels across North America"

bookmark_borderMy music collection

I'm going to express an increasingly unpopular opinion here: I like having my music on physical media. Even though most people I know have turned largely to streaming their music instead of buying CDs or other physical formats, I prefer the physical option for a number of reasons. One is simply the visceral nature of it - you don't get the same thrill of the search and eventual discovery of something in a brick and mortar store if you're just searching online through a bunch of streamable titles. You don't get the satisfaction or appreciation of being able to hold it in your hands, read through the liner notes, look at the photos, etc. Streaming, contrary to popular belief, is not as good for the artists when it comes to compensation as most people think. Continue reading "My music collection"