Vintage scenes from life

Vintage photos, like modern-day ones, are vignettes of the daily life of their time. Here is a selection of twenty-three such examples from my collection.

1920s dry goods store

I found this one a bit intriguing despite not really having a place for it in any future projects. Perhaps this is because I've always had a bit of a fancy for small neighborhood markets laid out in a late 19th/early 20th century style. It's what attracts me to Rudolph's Market & Sausage Factory in Deep Ellum, a fixture in the neighborhood since 1895, despite my being meat-free since 1999. There's no indication in the photo of this store's location.
1920s dry goods store
1920s dry goods store

Bathing beauties

Bathing suits have changed a lot in the last century. I'm guessing this photo dates to the 1920s or 30s.
Two shapely women in bathing suits
Two shapely women in bathing suits

"Seashore belles," circa early 1900s

I picked this stereoview card up inside a Fort Worth antique store. It's a cute image.
"Seashore belles" of New Jersey, circa early 1900s
"Seashore belles" of Atlantic City, circa early 1900s

Beach group, 1930s

Another fun beach photo from a few decades later.
Beach group, 1930s
Beach group, 1930s

Juvenile delinquents

This feels like something straight out of a 1950s exploitation flick. Given the hairstyles and the apparent attempt by the subjects to look "edgy" and "cool," it comes across as more silly than anything else.
Would-be juvenile delinquents
Would-be juvenile delinquents

Graduation day

This picture of the proud graduates recalls the feeling of accomplishment we all have when we finally finish school.
Graduation day
Graduation day

"Going out the back way"

A silly, obviously posed photograph purporting to depict a woman "sneaking out" of the house - in broad daylight, no less!
"Going out the back way"
"Going out the backway. Careful."

Bathtub alcohol, 1960

Homemade liquor - or perhaps I should say hooch? I didn't blur this image to protect the guilty - the slide itself is out of focus.
Bathtub alcohol, 1960
Bathtub alcohol, 1960

Rural Saskatchewan

This stoic figure of a rural man and a girl, perhaps his daughter, sums up the character of rural North America.
Rural Saskatchewan
Outside Capri, Saskatchewan

Bucolic scene, circa early 1900s

This cabinet card was an antique store find. I haven't corrected the yellowish color this time because it complements the rusticity of the scene.
Bucolic scene, circa early 1900s
Bucolic scene, circa early 1900s

On leave, 1944

A depiction of the way every soldier doubtless hoped to be received upon his return home.
On leave, 1944
On leave, 1944

Missing you

The date of this photo is unknown, but it perfectly captures the wistfulness of having an absent partner.
Missing you
Missing you

Woman getting into car

This appears to depict a fairly well to do woman dressed to go somewhere... church, perhaps?
Woman getting into car
Woman getting into car

Graduating class

Is this the entire graduating class of 1919? This photo captures a very well-preserved moment in time, four to five generations back.
Graduating class
Graduating class

Bath house, probably 1920s or 1930s

This is one of a set of photos identified as having been taken near "Highland Park." The other four photos are of the bath house itself and the area around it, and all appear to have been printed backwards on the photographic paper (I have reversed this one so that it appears correctly). I have never been able to verify whether the said Highland Park is the local one bounded by Dallas, or another one located elsewhere.
Bath house near Highland Park, probably 1920s or 1930s
Bath house near Highland Park


One of life's pursuits, personified in this very well composed photo.

Lakefront silhouette, 1938

An unusually striking image for a snapshot, this photo dates (surprisingly) to 1938 and was an antique store find. I actually picked up a duplicate print as well, and the better of the two is presented here.
Lakefront silhouette, 2/6/38
Lakefront silhouette

Girls' party, 1957

1950s girls gone wrong? I don't believe the silly tropes characteristic of 1950s exploitation films. Whether this is a slumber party, or a dorm room party or something else is unclear, but they do seem to be having a good time.
Girls' party, 1957
Girls' party, 1957

Lollipop, 1958

This adorable Kodachrome image dates to 1958.
Lollipop, 1958
Lollipop, 1958

Four generations

Anyone fortunate enough to be able to take a photo like this one should strongly consider doing it, because you may never get the opportunity if you wait. I have a photo of a nearly three year old me with my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother that was taken in 1981. Now, forty-four years later, only two of us are left.
Four generations
Four generations

Card game, 1962

This allegedly hails from Germany, where all of the men pictured were likely stationed.
Card game in Germany, 1962
Card game in Germany, 1962

Confirmation, 1930s

I'm not a religious person myself, but I can appreciate a good ceremonial photo.
Confirmation, 1930s
Confirmation, 1930s

Ten days old, 1920s

This scene from 1920s-era life came to me via an Etsy seller. It could just as well have been taken today, save for the antique car in background.
Ten days old, 1920s
Ten days old, 1920s

All material on this page is © 2025 Peter Orozco (all rights reserved).

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