bookmark_borderOn vacation for 2023

I'm currently on vacation, partaking in my annual road trip across the U.S. and Canada. I had originally planned on having at least the first entry of my upcoming blog series completed by my departure date of 10/6, but for various reasons that didn't happen. After my return home sometime next week, I'll resume work on that series and also post one or two other entries that are nearly ready to go. In the meantime, I am taking time off from things to have some adventures up here north of the border.

bookmark_borderWebsite retooling and redesign

I've started working on version 3.0 of the website, shifting focus away from the local arts and music scene and orienting the site back toward its original purpose of serving as a showcase for my interests, activities, and projects. This new orientation better reflects where I am planning to take things from a creative standpoint in the days to come, as I move away from earlier (largely fruitless) attempts to encourage growth of the local scene and instead concentrate on developing my skills in other pursuits. This change has been a long time coming, but I was not able to get to it due to a combination of lethargy and lots of hours spent working the day job (spoiler: I am now debt free!). Continue reading "Website retooling and redesign"