Scenes from a year best left behind us.
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bookmark_borderSnow in North Texas
Yes, it does sometimes snow in North Texas. And some of those times, I've taken pictures of it.
Continue reading "Snow in North Texas"bookmark_borderMoroccan spiced vegetable stew
It's beginning to warm up here in north Texas, which means it will soon be time to move away from winter recipes in favor of ones that rely more on seasonal fruits and vegetables. As a last hurrah for the colder weather, I'm going to share a recipe I put together by combining an idea I saw on Instagram with a quick broth recipe and Moroccan seasoning mix. After some tweaking, I eventually came up with what is presented here. This dish has proven to be quite popular at potluck dinners, and for when I need to prepare something warming that pairs really well with bread. Whether it should be called a soup or a stew is a matter of individual opinion, but I've always referred to it as a stew.
bookmark_borderBalcony visitor
One of the regular visitors to the apartment balcony herb garden