bookmark_borderUpdate concerning future and ongoing projects

I tend to always have multiple things going on creatively, with as many as five or six projects in progress at one time in various stages of completeness. As a result, new material on this site tends to go up in spurts, with large amounts of content being added all at once as a project is completed. Even this blog is usually updated in spurts, which several entries being edited simultaneously and ultimately posted in groups of two or three, all of them post-dated to go live at a later date. This entry here is no exception. But there's a lot of other work going on in the background for which these semi-regular blog posts are biding time.

Continue reading "Update concerning future and ongoing projects"

bookmark_borderOriginal shout outs

One of the main goals of the recent site revamp was to bring the site's purpose and philosophy into clearer focus, both in the site's reason for being and in its actual under the hood design and organization. A huge mess of code was tamed, with a lot of redundancy being eliminated. One of the casualties of this process was the original "Shout Outs" page, which I made the decision to axe after failing to find a way to integrate it into the new design philosophy. However, as these comments represent the earliest feedback and encouragement I received, I didn't want them to end up lost to history. So here they are, as a historical record of the early days of P.A.O. Productions. Continue reading "Original shout outs"

bookmark_borderWebsite retooling and redesign

I've started working on version 3.0 of the website, shifting focus away from the local arts and music scene and orienting the site back toward its original purpose of serving as a showcase for my interests, activities, and projects. This new orientation better reflects where I am planning to take things from a creative standpoint in the days to come, as I move away from earlier (largely fruitless) attempts to encourage growth of the local scene and instead concentrate on developing my skills in other pursuits. This change has been a long time coming, but I was not able to get to it due to a combination of lethargy and lots of hours spent working the day job (spoiler: I am now debt free!). Continue reading "Website retooling and redesign"