bookmark_borderThe Comic Book Show, 1990

When I was a young child, I used to want to be a comic book artist. I never got farther than selling a few home drawn comics to other kids in my class at school, but I did end up in the newspaper for my efforts when my sixth grade teacher called The Dallas Times Herald and they featured me in a story. The producer of a local cable access television show happened to see the article, and I ended up featured on TV.
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bookmark_borderGas prices during Covid

It's been a topsy turvy experience as far as gas prices go, first crashing due to low demand and now spiking due to the situation overseas. We're technically still in the midst of the pandemic, and the instability of these prices reflect the turbulence of our times. Continue reading "Gas prices during Covid"

bookmark_borderOriginal shout outs

One of the main goals of the recent site revamp was to bring the site's purpose and philosophy into clearer focus, both in the site's reason for being and in its actual under the hood design and organization. A huge mess of code was tamed, with a lot of redundancy being eliminated. One of the casualties of this process was the original "Shout Outs" page, which I made the decision to axe after failing to find a way to integrate it into the new design philosophy. However, as these comments represent the earliest feedback and encouragement I received, I didn't want them to end up lost to history. So here they are, as a historical record of the early days of P.A.O. Productions. Continue reading "Original shout outs"