bookmark_borderWebsite retooling and redesign

I've started working on version 3.0 of the website, shifting focus away from the local arts and music scene and orienting the site back toward its original purpose of serving as a showcase for my interests, activities, and projects. This new orientation better reflects where I am planning to take things from a creative standpoint in the days to come, as I move away from earlier (largely fruitless) attempts to encourage growth of the local scene and instead concentrate on developing my skills in other pursuits. This change has been a long time coming, but I was not able to get to it due to a combination of lethargy and lots of hours spent working the day job (spoiler: I am now debt free!). Continue reading "Website retooling and redesign"

bookmark_borderMy association with the local literary and spoken word community

My association with the local literary and spoken word community goes back to 2002, when I received my first exposure to the scene by way of a "Tantric Valentine's Day" reading at Paperbacks Plus. This introduction was followed by a few visits to the open mics at Deep Ellum's Insomnia coffee house, which, upon their demise, led directly to the series at Bill's Records from 2002-2004. A sporadic series of readings back at Paperbacks Plus (some sponsored by WordSpace or The Writer's Garret) came next, and ultimately came Johnny O's Mad Swirl gatherings and my creation of the Open Mic Project. From inauspicious beginnings, my relationship with the poetry/literary community has morphed from little more than that of performer/spectator into a series of much more involved collaborations with purveyors of the spoken word. Continue reading "My association with the local literary and spoken word community"

bookmark_borderEllen Once Again Follow Up Interview

Back in 2012, I interviewed an up and coming, very talented singer/songwriter named Ellen Once Again. She had released her debut EP, Spreading the Love, after becoming a YouTube sensation in 2011, soon to be followed by her sophomore release, I'm Feeling Lucky, in 2013. Now, three years later, I catch up with Ellen again to find out about her growth as a musician and songwriter, an average "day in the life," and the many places her music has since been featured.

Ellen Once Again follow up interview

bookmark_borderA Few Words on Dairy

I made the decision to mostly give up dairy products over a period of years beginning around 2003. Milk wasn’t a big issue with me, as I’d never been fond of it growing up or at any time afterward. Eggs weren’t too difficult, either, as I tend to look at them as eating an abortion (sorry if that imagery is a bit disgusting), even though mainstream commercial eggs are unfertilized. There’s still all the amniotic fluid (aka egg whites) inside, and the thought of frying that up and eating it strikes me as more than a little disgusting. The real issue, then, with removing eggs and milk from my diet has been not the two ingredients themselves, but the fact that they (and their derivatives) are so heavily utilized in almost everything edible on the market that’s not a raw fruit or vegetable. To me, there’s a real point to be made regarding cow’s milk in that it contains elements necessary for a calf’s growth and development, not for a human’s. It isn’t, nor has it ever been, something intended for human consumption. As a child I had to load it down heavily with chocolate or strawberry flavoring to be able to drink it, and as I got older I gravitated farther and farther away from even that until I arrived at my present point, where I try not to consume it at all, in any form, save for the use of butter on toasted breads and on popcorn.

When it comes to desserts, there are alternative binders and leaveners that can be used in place of milk and eggs for many breads, cakes, and cookies. As for those particular foodstuffs for which those ingredients are integral to the taste or texture, they are simply not things I’m particularly interested in making. I’m not interested in using eggs at all, for any purpose, at any time. The whole point of cooking for oneself is to be able to make food exactly the way you want it.

In any case, that’s my stance on dairy. Back to work now 🙂